In 2019, Daniel continues to grow Chironix into a regional company in the Defence, Resources, Enterprise and Medical sectors throughout the Asia-Pacific.



Throughout 2016 and 2017, Daniel was instrumental in accessing Glass technology and applying it to a number of customers in Australia. He performed the business development, systems and requirements engineering, and also applied his experience in Psychology in the management of human factors analysis. Daniel had project managers and developers that worked to him to achieve the project outcomes. Daniel was successful in bringing the technology to Australia for the first time, and also had his employer formerly recognised as a Glass partner with Google X. The media articles below discuss some of the clients which Daniel was working with. 


While employed as the Deputy Director of Technological Solutions in Navy Strategy Executive, the Royal Australian Navy, Daniel developed the Navy Strategic Management System. This system displayed a dashboard which showed the amalgamated measures of risk, performance and strategic objectives, all correlated against each other. This system allowed the Chief of Navy and his advisors to see on a single dashboard the risks which were being experienced and required mitigation, the performance of the fleet, and the achievement of strategic objectives, including the introduction of new capabilities. This is a critical tool that continues to guide decision making at the highest levels of the Navy. For this work, Daniel was nominated as the ICT Young Professional of the Year for 2014, where he was awarded as a finalist. 


Daniel was the Desk Officer (Project Manager) for JP2008 Phase 3H, Wideband Global Satellite in Capability Development Group of the Australian Department of Defence. During this time, Daniel achieved first pass for the project from Government, conducted initial Defence trials of the constellation to assess a range of ground terminals and satellite capabilities, and also performed a range of risk reduction activities for the following projects - JP2008 Phase 5B and JP2072 Ph 2B. Articles relating to the project can be found below.